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Fun class environment!

Each athlete will learn the fundamentals of Martial Arts in classes of similairly ranked students each week. 

Optional Tournaments & Events

From local to national tournaments, athletes in our program are eligible to participate in special events. *Not Required*

Beginners to Advanced!

A partir de los 4 a los 18 años; atendemos a todos los niveles. Desde estudiantes principiantes de cinturón blanco, hasta cinturón negro avanzado.

Sobre nuestro Programa de Karate

Champions in Motion ha desarrollado uno de los programas de karate para jóvenes más completos de los EE. UU. Comenzando con instructores altamente capacitados, nuestros programas están diseñados para mantener a los niños seguros con un sistema creado específicamente para niños y adolescentes. Incorporamos técnicas líderes de defensa personal junto con lecciones sobre seguridad, prevención de secuestros y anti-bullying. Nuestros instructores están altamente capacitados en estas y otras áreas para que su estrella aprenda formas de mantenerse seguro durante toda su vida.

Filosofía de rango

Champions in Motion philosophy for teaching belt ranks is divided into three phases (Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced). Beginner ranks include white thru green w/blue stripe belts; Intermediate ranks include blue thru purple w/ orange stripe belts; High or Advanced ranks includes orange belts & above. 

 The primary objective for beginner rank students is to teach safety awareness and basic self-defense techniques. The secondary objective for beginner students is to teach the formal aspects of martial arts such as basic techniques (strikes, kicks, blocks, stances). Perfection of techniques is not required for promotional testing of beginner ranks. Teaching children how to stay safe in today’s world is the objective. 

 At intermediate ranks, the primary objective becomes improving basic techniques such as kicks, blocks, strikes, and defense against grabs and other attacks. Basic kata knowledge, beginning one step skills, improved concentration, and a greater demonstration of martial arts discipline are expected at this level also. The primary objective for advanced rank students is to enforce the formal aspect of the martial art; blocks, kicks, strikes, stances, kata, self-defense techniques, one-steps, sparring, martial art etiquette, and discipline. The secondary objective for high ranking students is reviewing safety awareness topics. Promotional testing for high ranking students is based upon effectively demonstrating proper technique and form of the primary objectives.

Duración de las clases

We assign class times based on students’ ages and rank. There are Three main levels of karate athletes (Beginner, Intermediate, & Advanced). As each student progresses through each level, the practice time duration will increase accordingly.


• All Ranks | Regular Class  | 45 Minutes

• All Ranks | Extended Class | 60 Minutes

• All Ranks | Specialty, Weapon, Sparring Classes | 30 Minutes


Our exciting events motivate our athletes to reach the next level of excellence beyond their regular weekly lessons. Throughout our 30-year history, testimonials have shown how our athletes' lives have forever changed from the improved self-confidence and friendships gained by competing. We hope to keep this positive tradition going to impact future generations to come. CHAMPIONS IN MOTION KARATE TOURNAMENTS: Scheduled during the fall, spring, and summer sessions! All Karate students are invited to attend and compete in the Karate Tournaments (attendance is optional but recommended) to be held later in the semester. Participation in the tournaments is a great learning experience for all students as it promotes competitive spirit, self-confidence, and fun! There will be a nominal fee to participate in the Tournaments. 

Required Items

In Class, students are asked to wear our karate uniform or comfortable, loose clothing such as shorts or sweatpants. Students are encouraged to have a karate uniform, which provides comfort and freedom of movement. No dresses, street shoes, jewelry, or gum chewing is allowed in class. 

Students participating in specialty or sparring classes are required to bring there own sparring equipment or training equipment, depending on the requirements for participation in class. 

All products (uniforms, equipment, etc.) are sold seaparetly, and not included with the registration fee.
Please scroll down to see our karate shop categories and Explore our products.

¿Los padres pueden ver la clase?

Tomamos grandes medidas para proporcionar el entorno de aprendizaje más seguro e ininterrumpido para su hijo. Los padres están invitados a ver la primera lección y el programa de premios. Se desalienta a los espectadores durante las clases regulares ya que los niños se distraen fácilmente y es posible que no se concentren en las instrucciones del instructor. Un entorno con distracciones mínimas proporciona una mejor atmósfera de aprendizaje.

Para evitar invitados no deseados y extraños en el salón de clases, Champions in Motion, nuestros patrocinadores y las instalaciones requieren que todos se registren en los formularios proporcionados. Se alienta a los padres a ser voluntarios como “Ayudadores de Padres”. Se necesitan voluntarios en cada clase para ayudar al instructor. Padres, cuando se ofrezcan como voluntarios como ayudantes, lean y firmen la hoja de asistencia para padres que se encuentra en el área de registro.

¿Qué pasa si tenemos que abandonar?


Si desea dar de baja a su estudiante del programa, puede hacerlo llamando a nuestra oficina al (919) 535-8304.

Ayudantes de padres

Learn what it takes to be a parent helper by clicking the link below. Spots are limited so find out more by clicking the link below, and secure your spot today!

Learn more

Checkout our catalogue of karate products below by picking a category to explore!